Pompeii is the place where you can still understand and see how the ancient Romans lived today. It is a city that literally emerged from the ash and lava of Vesuvius that destroyed it in 79 AC. and it is possible to visit villas, theaters and amphitheaters and fully feel the sensation of traveling back in time, at the exact moment when Vesuvius erased the city, leaving its inhabitants in an eternal position.
The cost of the ticket is 22 euros, per person, reduced 2 euros. European citizens under the age of 18 enter for free.
Free ticket every first Sunday of the month
The archaeological excavations of Pompeii are open every day from April 1st to October 31st from 9:00am to 7.00pm and from November 1st to March 31st from 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Closed on: 25th December, 1st May, 1st January .
Remember to wear comfortable shoes and bring a bottle of water in summer and also sunscreen. What to see in Pompeii? Follow us!
The Large Theatre was built by exploiting the natural slope of the hill for the construction of the auditorium. The staircase was separated into three areas with corridors, which were in turn divided into five sectors, and was based on a passage with a barrel vault. It was built around the middle of the 2nd century BC and significantly restored according to the Roman stlye. In the theatre they represented comedies and tragedies of Greek-Roman tradition. Here Greek operas and fabulae were represented, while inside of the Odeon (Small Theatre) were represented the most popular sung works that needed better acoustics. It is possible to experience this phenomenon; positioning yourself at the center of the Odeion and talking: it will seem to have a microphone. The theatre was the first large public building completely freed from the deposits of the eruption.
It is certainly one of the best preserved Roman amphitheaters in the world: here the fights with the gladiators and the events that were to welcome many people took place (the maximum capacity was 20,000 seats). The arena is separated from the area intended for the spectators by a parapet which is decorated with frescos of gladiators; the upper part has inscriptions that are still legible with the names of the magistrates who had the steps built.
As a result of these riots, the Senate of Rome decided to close the arena in Pompeii for ten years, however, this measure was withdrawn in 62 AD, after the disastrous earthquake struck the city.
In 1971 Pink Floyd also played here.
The brothel of Pompeii, with its erotic paintings, is one of the best-known buildings of the excavations and had the function of a brothel. The prostitutes in the brothel were mostly Greek and Oriental slaves. The building has two floors. The homes of the owner and the slaves are at the top and there are five rooms at the bottom, all fitted with a built-in bed, on both sides of the corridor that connects the two entrances of the ground floor. The rooms were closed by a curtain. A latrine is seen at the end of the corridor, under the staircase. The brothel is named from lupa, a Latin word meaning ‘prostitute’.
Along the secondary road that leads to the Lupanare there are still engraved faults to indicate the access road.
It is one of the larger houses of Pompeii, covering an entire block of about 3000 sqm and, according to its original layout, it dates back to the 2nd century BC. The wealth and social level of the owner are immediately evident from the street: the pavement bears the Latin welcome inscription (HAVE); the majestic door is framed with pillars with decorated capitals and the entrance floor is inlaid with multi-coloured yellow, green, red and pink marble triangles (opus sectile). Inside the impluvium (the basin used to collect rainwater to be used in the house), at the centre of the main atrium, there is a copy of the famous statue of the dancing satyr or Faun, on which the dwelling was made and which alludes to the name of the lineage of the owner: the Satrii.
The Civil Forum represents the center of the daily life of the city, all the main public buildings for the administration of the city and justice, for the management of business, for commercial activities, such as markets, overlook it, in addition to the main places of city worship. It is one of the classic photos of Pompeii precisely because it contains the remains of the ancient Roman forum and Vesuvius in the background. This is where the inhabitants of Pompeii gathered for civic or commercial but also religious matters due to the presence of the times of Apollo and Jupiter. As well as the modern limited traffic areas, here too it was not allowed access to wagons but only to pedestrians. At the beginning of the Imperial age the Forum was re-paved with travertine slabs, some of which are no longer in their original location and have a groove to accommodate the bronze letters that belonged to a large inscription. Excavations that began upon the requests of Maria Carolina Bonaparte.
The Basilica, with its extension of 1,500 square metres, was the most sumptuous building of the Forum, and its space was used to carry out business and for the administration of justice. It is accessed from the Forum through five entrances separated by tuff pillars; inside it is divided into three naves with two rows of brick columns with Ionic capitals. A richly decorated suggestum, where judges sat while judicial affairs were managed, is located at the centre of the short western side. The space was enhanced with an equestrian statue, whereas the walls are richly decorated with stucco like large blocks of marble. The Basilica is dated back to 130-120 BC and is one of the oldest examples of this type of building in the entire Roman world. It was excavated since the 19th century, when investigations in the Forum square area began.
Venus was the protector of the city of Pompeii and therefore this Lugo of worship dedicated to her was very important. The gold lamp of the temple that was perhaps given to the city by Nero is now in the Archaeological Museum of Pompeii.
The Sanctuary of Venus is placed on spectacular artificial terrace that offers great views of the Gulf of Naples, overlooking the bay where the harbour was to be situated.
The earthquake of 62 AD and those that followed up to the eruption, caused the destruction of the temple whose reconstruction had not yet been completed in 79 AD. The first sanctuary dates back to the 2nd century BC and consisted of a space surrounded by porticoes at the centre of which stood the temple. That which can be seen today dates back to the early imperial age.
This area, once hosting homes, had been transformed in a vineyard in the years preceding the eruption, with a triclinium for outdoor banquets covered by a pergola. 13 victims, adults and children, were found at various points inside the enclosure, seized by death while trying to find a way out of Nocera Gate, running above the layer of pumice stones that had already reached a height of 3.5 m. The flight was interrupted by the arrival of the pyroclastic flow, which was fatal due to asphyxiation and high temperatures.
The casts of the 13 victims can now be seen near the back wall of the garden, in a glass case.
Villa dei Misteri, is located outside the city walls and in ancient times it overlooked the sea and belonged to one of the most important families of Pompeii. Its name is due to a 17 meter long pictorial cycle found inside which probably represents a Dionysian rite, since Dionysus and Aphrodite are depicted in the center of the scene. A large continuous fresco that covers three walls, one of the most preserved ancient paintings, depicts a mysterious rite, that is reserved for the devotees of the cult. The scene is linked with Dionysus, who appears on the central wall with his wife, Ariadne. Female figures as well as fauns, maenads and winged figures are seen on the side walls, engaged in various ritual activities. Besides Dionysian ecstasy expressed in dancing and drinking wine, one sees the ritual flagellation of a young girl resting on the lap of a seated woman.